This group was initiated to support C88 Set Classmates (most of who are Entrepreneurs) in their respective businesses.
The inaugural meeting had everyone in attendance talk about their personal journey; how they started and what challenges they faced.
As a result, the subsequent meetings had the coordinating team invite professionals in various fields of endeavor come and educate the house on how best to go about their businesses.
A number of business alliances have been formed as a result if this group as classmates are able to know how best to support one another.
A number of good initiatives have been birthed as a result of this. For one there exists a thriving Whatsapp platform for professionals and entrepreneurs to showcase their products and inform one another about business opportunities happenings around the world.
Secondly and most recently, an Investment Group has come up as a result and classmates have pooled funds together and began to jointly purchase property across Lagos State.
This is now a formal initiative set up independently by C88Set Classmates who comprise of the Board and we have memberships even from classmates in the diaspora.
One of us had the vision to pool people together and for C88 members, to build and increase business awareness, connect and communicate, share ideas and learn as well as encourage and provide support for one another.
The platform creates the opportunity for members to showcase their products and services, and network.
Periodic business networking meetings are organized.