Hawa Husenah Iyamabo

Hawa Husenah Iyamabo (nee Momoh) MA B.Sc PMP.
Vice President Exco C88Set, Flying Horse House

Hawa is a charismatic and enthusiastic educator, specializing in school administration, recruitment, mentorship, career development and leadership. Hawa holds a B.Sc. in Microbiology, from the University of Benin, Nigeria, a diploma in Business and Leadership Skills from Sheridan College and a MA in Leadership from the University of Guelph Canada.

A powerful force in her workplace in a regional district school board, Hawa thrives in the challenging tasks of supporting the work of the Superintendent in overseeing various academic portfolios and administrative protocols governing multiple schools

A Project Manager Professional at heart, Hawa naturally enjoys planning diverse events and uses her creative capacity to help people develop ideas into fruition.

Following her interest for education and developing future leaders Hawa established StatusMark Educational Consulting to help students attain a North American education through a successful and rewarding experience

A self-acclaimed change agent, firmly grounded by her Christain faith, Hawa is a lifelong learner with a passion to see people flourish in their journey of life. She volunteers in various groups where she likes to advocate for personal wellbeing, celebrations and change, Hawa prides herself in her Read-a-Book initiative, a baby project of the Friends-in-High-Places Foundation, whose vision is to develop and nourish the minds of vulnerable children in parts of Nigeria

Hawa cherishes quality time with close friends and family. She believes food, travel and dance are a healthy trio. She is daily inspired by her husband and children.